- Diagnose Epilepsy
- Video-EEG monitoring can differentiate epileptic seizures from non-anxiety attacks and migraine headaches.
- Determine type of Epilepsy
- Determining the type of seizures is important since different types of seizures may require different medical treatments.
- Determine frequency of seizures
- Video-EEG monitoring can allow estimates of seizure frequency. Some patients have frequent, unrecognized seizures because they live alone or have minimal behavioral manifestations. For example, complex partial seizures may be mistaken for prolonged confused state. Or, young infants may have seizures that are under-diagnosed.
- Evaluate candidacy
- Some patients have frequent disabling seizures that are unresponsive to more than two antiepileptic medications. These patients may be treated effectively with epilepsy surgery. Prior to surgery, the focus of seizure onset in the brain must be determined as accurately as possible.
United’s Commitment & Promise

- Our commitment to our patients:
- We make every patient feel comfortable, assured, and cared for from the moment we schedule their study to the moment of its completion. We help patients Gain control of their seizure disorder and optimize the quality of their lives.
- Our commitment to our physicians:
- We assure the highest level of diagnostic information from our Registered EEG technicians and staff, with customizable montages and report templates.
- Our commitment to our practices:
- We provide your practice with a subtle, yet informative line of communication to keep all necessary persons informed from receipt of referral, date of scheduled service and completion of study.
The United Neuro Difference
- United technicians hook up and disconnect patients in one of our conveniently located labs.
- Registered EEG technicians remotely monitor each VEEG periodically throughout the study for assured video and technical quality
- If an electrode becomes disconnected, a technician is dispatched to the patient’s home or one of our easy to access labs to reconnect for proper recording.
- Registered EEG technicians will contact the referring physician if a seizure is observed.
- Patients have direct access to an EEG technician throughout the study to answer all questions.
- Equipment is lightweight, portable and wireless allowing patient to move freely around the home.
- Referring physicians that are trained in reading VEEG’s are eligible to provide the interpretation if interested.
- United will provide a well-qualified Epileptologist if referring physician would prefer our associated physician to provide the interpretation.
- Study results can be reviewed remotely via secure online access from office, hospital or home.
- Results available within 72 hours of study completion.
- In-home Video EEG services allow for review with visual and auditory data before, during and after a neurological event.
- In lab set up allows for consultation with patients during set-up and study.
- In-hospital set-up provides services at healthcare facilities where long-term monitoring is not available.
- 24/48/72 hour service available and can be tailored to physicians instruction.

Benefits of Ambulatory VEEG
- Patients are more likely to have a recorded event in their normal environment.
- Everyday stressors can trigger a seizure; VEEG will be present to record them.
- Most patients do not want to be, or cannot be away, from their family, job or home for 72+ hours.
- VEEG allows all stages of sleep to be recorded, where many seizures take place.
- Co-insurance payments are far less expensive when VEEG is performed in the home.
- Please provide ICD-9 code, (found on order form) any previous EEG reports, clinical information and patient demographics.
- United will send confirmation of order to referring physician via fax or e-mail.
- United will contact patient with in 24hours of receiving referral.
- United staff will verify benefits, obtain authorization, inform staff of schedule date and any cancellations.